January 28, 2025

What’s new in 2025


What’s new in 2025

The 19th of January marked the closing of ‘Chantal Akerman – Travelling’ at Jeu de Paume in Paris.
The exhibition was a huge success, welcoming more than 100.000 people in 4 months. Thank you all for coming in such great numbers!

From February 7th onward, BFI is re-releasing ‘Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles’. This means you will be able to see this masterpiece in cinemas all around Britain

Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles re-release

At the same time BFI is organizing a complete retrospective of Chantal Akerman’s films and touring Britain with some of her most important works.
In February and March at BFI Southbank, you will be able to see all of her signature and maybe lesser known works.

BFI retrospective

Coinciding with the re-release of Jeanne Dielman and the retrospective at Southbank, BFI is also releasing 2 blu-ray box sets. Chantal Akerman Collection Volume 1: (1967-1978) coming out 24 February and Chantal Akerman Collection Volume 2: (1982-2015) due for release on 16 June, with many films available for the first time on any format in the UK.

Chantal Akerman Collection Vol.1: 1967-1978

For the Italians, there is also an 11-film retrospective to be visited at La Cinema Compagnia in Florence. Starting on the 20th of January and ending April

La verita si muove il tempo non mente

After 2 succesful iterations at BOZAR in Brussels and Jeu de Paume in Paris, the exhibition, considered by Frieze Magazine as one of the best of 2024, strikes down in Lisbon to once again captivate and fascinate people from all around the world.
From April 17th to September 7th 2025 you’re welcome again to explore the richness of Chantal Akerman’s work and archives.

Chantal Akerman – Travelling at MAC/CCB

50 years ago, on May 22, 1975, Jeanne Dielman premiered at La quinzaine des Réalisateurs. To celebrate this occasion, we are organizing 2 screenings of the film at CINEMATEK. But not just any ordinary screenings, we will show a special, unreleased 35mm copy made by the BFI from our restoration.
The screenings will take place on May 22 and 25 at CINEMATEK.