Rewind on CINEMATEK’s 2024 retrospective


Rewind on CINEMATEK’s 2024 retrospective

The integral retrospective held at CINEMATEK between March and July 2024 featured a lively set of guests. Drawing from the connections Akerman cultivated in Brussels, this retrospective strived to frame her cinematic oeuvre drawing the contours of her environment. As such, the programme was complemented by a Carte Blanche of her reference films, and a series of conferences and talks with some of Akerman’s closest collaborators. Guests such as editor Claire Atherton, cinematographers Caroline Champetier and Sabine Lancelin or critic Laura Mulvey were invited to offer their insights and testimonies to contextualise the films.

Missed the Programme? Here’s Your Chance to Catch Up!
For those who were not able to attend, here is the opportunity for you to review the 5 months long programme. Dive into the insightful talks that took place over the past months by listening to the recordings provided below. Additionally, explore our programmes and discover our key insights and takeaways through the documents linked at the bottom.

This retrospective has been made possible thanks to the support of the City of Brussels.