
Neben seinen Schnürsenkeln in einem leeren Kühlschrank laufen

Chantal Akerman, Cilly Kugelmann, Edna Moshenson & Amy Taubin

Jüdisches Museum Berlin & Laconic Press, 2007

Neben seinen Schnürsenkeln in einem leeren Kühlschrank laufen

Author: Chantal Akerman, Cilly Kugelmann, Edna Moshenson & Amy Taubin

Publisher: Jüdisches Museum Berlin & Laconic Press

Year of publication: 2007

Format: 25x18

Pages: 62

ISBN: 978-3-9808646-8-8

Language: German

Country: Germany

City: Berlin

As an artistic counterpoint to the exhibition Life? or Theater?, the installation “Neben seinen Schnürsenkeln in einem leeren Kühlschrank laufen” (“Walking Next to One’s Shoelaces Inside an Empty Fridge“) by Chantal Akerman was shown. The book of the same name picks up not only on the content of the installation, but also on the design – the fine gauze of the dust jacket and the traditional Japanese stitched bookbinding with various types of paper form a reference to this artwork’s manifold levels of meaning.